If you want to download video and audio from YouTube at the same time, don't think twice and download YouTube Music Downloader for free. Configuration of the interface's colours.Support for FLV video format with different quality.Support for MP3, AAC and Vorbis audio formats with different bitrates.Simultaneous download of audio and video in different files.YouTube's video and audio separately in the same download. And of course, as it allows a simultaneous download, it also allows you to only download audio or video. The application allows you to choose between three formats with different qualities for the sound, while different qualities of FLV format are offered for video. In other words, you can download the video and audio to different folders in the same download process. YouTube Music Downloader, also known as YouTube Music Converter, is a program that allows you to download videos from YouTube as well as their audio at the same time and separately. Download audio and video at the same time How many times have you watched a video on YouTube that has fascinated you? Well, now you can download the video and audio separately and at the same time with YouTube Music Downloader with only a few clicks.